G.M.G. Abrasivi Srl - mole e dischi abrasivi per marmo e granito 25086 Rezzato (Brescia) - Via G. Garibaldi, 46/b - Tel. +39 0302593578 - Fax: 0302593579 Home Page | About us | Diamond discs | Equipments | How to find us
Shaping wheels, abrasive wheels for polishing, abrasive brushes |
Shaping wheels Profile wheels, shaping wheels for processing shaped stone - MA 14 |
Abrasive brushes Abrasive brushes diam. from 110 to 250 mm MA 14 / MA 16 |
Abrasive Wheels, Frankfurt Marble Abrasive for polishing tile and marble tangenziale, frankfurt, lucidatrice elica per costa, rullo terzago, piatto diam. 250, lucidacoste sintoro
©2006 G.M.G. Abrasivi srl | E-Mail: info@gmgabrasivi.it - P.IVA 03294130178 consulenza web: studio viasetti - brescia - bergamo - milano - verona - mantova - cremona |