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G.M.G. Abrasives - mole e dischi abrasivi per marmo

25086 Rezzato (Brescia) - Via G. Garibaldi, 46/b - Tel. +39 0302593578 - Fax: 0302593579

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How to find GMG Abrasives


how to find GMG Abrasivi - go to home page

Brescia - Desenzano (Garda Lake) - map

The Company G.M.G. SRL – marble abrasives – is in Rezzato, on the main road Brescia – Desenzano del Garda, and you can easily find it, as well as from the main road and the ring road, also taking the Highway Milano-Bergamo-Brescia (exit Brescia-centro) and from the Montichiari airport.