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G.M.G. Abrasivi Srl - mole e dischi abrasivi per marmo

25086 Rezzato (Brescia) - Via G. Garibaldi, 46/b - Tel. +39 0302593578 - Fax: 0302593579

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GMG abrasives for marble cutters and tile makers - Company Profile


G.M.G. S.r.l. is a company in Rezzato (Brescia) trading abrasives and other articles for marble and granite working and installation. It deals with the sale of tools, utensils, equipments (new and second hand) and all the materials to marble cutters, layers, tile makers and building contractors.

The company was born in 1995 and has spread year by year its customers portfolio thanks to its reliability and thirty-years experience previously matured in this field by its owners.

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The main goal of the company is its customer’s complete satisfaction. This aim is achieved thanks to the vast range of traded articles all characterized by a very good relation between quality and price obtained by an attentive selections of its suppliers.

Technical advice is an integral part of our service; our experience allows us to give our customer all the necessary information to help him to buy products conformed to his exigencies.

G.M.G. customers can buy directly in our sale point in Rezzato, but also without moving from their office; G.M.G ha in fact a precise and punctual delivery service: the material can be daily delivered by the company’s co-operators.

G.M.G. always takes any decision and choice in its customer’s interest: we consider very important to be able to renew ourselves and to constantly find new solutions to the different exigencies of the companies trusting us.



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